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Дизельное топливо

2013-12-06 11:20
Дизельное топливо
Желаемое место поставки товара:
Описание товара:
Нас интересует закупка в автомобильного дизельного топлива в количестве 50000 тонн
ежемесячно с последующей транспортировкой в Южнокорейский город Ульсан.
Срок контракта на поставку нефтепродуктов: 12 месяцев.

Diesel fuel Oil is a fuel for diesel engine or similar internal-combustion engines that satisfy the below quality standard.

Pour Point (*C) Below 0.0 (Winter: below -17.5)
Flash point (*C) Over 40
Kinematic Viscosity (40*C, m/s) Between 1.9-5.5
Distillation (90%, *C) Below 360
Carbon Residue in 10% residual oil (Weight %) Below 0.15
Water & Sediment (Volume %) Below 0.02
Sulfur Content(mg/kg) Below 10
Ash (Weight %) Below 0.02
Cetane Number Over 52
Copper Strip Corrosion(100*C, 3h) Below 1
CFPP (*C) Below -16
Lubricity @60*C(HFRR WSD) Below 400
Density @15*C(kg/m2) 815-835
Polycyclic Aromatic Content(Weight %) Below 5
Aromatic Compound Content (Weight %) Below 30
Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Content (Volume %) Below 5

Winter standards for products and imports shall be applied during October 1 to March 31 of the next year, and for inspections during the distribution stage shall be applied from November 1 to March 31 of the next year. However, for automobiles, -12.5*C shall be applied from March 16, to March 31 for both products and imports stage and inspections during the distribution stage.
CFPP shall only be applied during the stage of production and importation during cold climate (From November 15 to February 28 of the next year) Lubricity and Polycyclic Aromatic Content shall only be applied to the stage of production and importation.
Disregarding the above table, cetane content shall be applied over 48 in winter period between November 15 and February 28 of next year.
50000 т


05.12.2013 - 11:31
Для того что бы озвучить цену нам нужно посчитать логистику. Есть вариант самовывоза с завода... Можем скинуть паспорта качества на топливо.
Кто выступает покупателем резидент Рф или нерезидент?
Объемы есть. Надо понять условия. Сообщите поподробнее.
06.02.2014 - 01:36
Fuel oil M-100 production PKOP, Shymkent, PetroKazakhstan oil products LLP (PKOP), former SHNOS Kazakhstan 63 000 KZT Ton
Kerosene production of the refinery, Pavlodar, Pavlodar refinery Kazakhstan 149 000 KZT Ton
Diesel fuel production PKOP, Shymkent, PetroKazakhstan oil products LLP (PKOP), former SHNOS Kazakhstan 111 000 KZT Ton
Gasoline AI-92 production PKOP, Shymkent, PetroKazakhstan oil products LLP (PKOP), former SHNOS Kazakhstan 114 500 KZT Ton
Gasoline AI-80 production, PKOP Shymkent, PetroKazakhstan oil products LLP (PKOP), former SHNOS Kazakhstan 94 500 KZT Ton
Diesel fuel production of Atyrau refinery, Atyrau, LLP "Atyrau refinery" Kazakhstan 115 000 KZT Ton
Gasoline AI-80 production of Atyrau refinery, Atyrau, LLP "Atyrau refinery" Kazakhstan 90 500 KZT Ton
Fuel oil M-100 production of the refinery, Pavlodar, Pavlodar refinery Kazakhstan 65 000 KZT Ton
Diesel fuel production of the refinery, Pavlodar, Pavlodar refinery Kazakhstan 113 000 KZT Ton
Gasoline AI-92 production of the refinery, Pavlodar, Pavlodar refinery Kazakhstan 111 500 KZT Ton
Gasoline AI-80 production of the refinery, Pavlodar, Pavlodar refinery Kazakhstan 94 500 KZT Ton

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