2019-03-11 17:32
Авиационный керосин
Местонахождение товара:
Казахстан, Акмолинская область
Описание товара:
Авиационный керосин в Роттердаме
1. Buyer issues ICPO with tank storage agreement (TSA).
2. Seller issues Commercial Invoice (CI) for the available quantity in the storage tank in Rotterdam with ICC WARNING LETTER.
3. Buyer signs and then return the commercial invoice with NCNDA/IMFPA signed by all buyer groups with commission structures and ATV Authorization to verify on buyer company letterhead.
4. Seller programme the injection and then issues buyer the following documents
 3days Unconditional dip test authorization (DTA).
 Fresh SGS Report Inspected in Rotterdam Shoe Tanks.
 Tank storage receipt. (TSR).
 (ATV) Authorization for physical verification of the product.
 Injection report Shore Tank Rotterdam.
 Certificate of Origin.
 Product passport.
 Notarized and endorse NCNDA/IMFPA by the seller and their bank.
 Authorization to Sell and collect (ATSC)
5. Buyer upon physical verification of the product and PPOP confirmation order SGS to conduct the Dip test in the seller Storage Tank on buyer expense.
6. Upon successful dip test, Buyer provide tank storage receipt (TSR) or Vessel details.
7. Seller commence injection immediately into buyer tank and “issues buyer Title of Ownership certificate to be followed by all export Documentation.
8. Buyer makes payment by MT103 or TT wire transfer for the total product and lifts the product and seller pays all intermediary involve in the transaction.
1. Buyer issues ICPO with tank storage agreement (TSA).
2. Seller issues Commercial Invoice (CI) for the available quantity in the storage tank in Rotterdam with ICC WARNING LETTER.
3. Buyer signs and then return the commercial invoice with NCNDA/IMFPA signed by all buyer groups with commission structures and ATV Authorization to verify on buyer company letterhead.
4. Seller programme the injection and then issues buyer the following documents
 3days Unconditional dip test authorization (DTA).
 Fresh SGS Report Inspected in Rotterdam Shoe Tanks.
 Tank storage receipt. (TSR).
 (ATV) Authorization for physical verification of the product.
 Injection report Shore Tank Rotterdam.
 Certificate of Origin.
 Product passport.
 Notarized and endorse NCNDA/IMFPA by the seller and their bank.
 Authorization to Sell and collect (ATSC)
5. Buyer upon physical verification of the product and PPOP confirmation order SGS to conduct the Dip test in the seller Storage Tank on buyer expense.
6. Upon successful dip test, Buyer provide tank storage receipt (TSR) or Vessel details.
7. Seller commence injection immediately into buyer tank and “issues buyer Title of Ownership certificate to be followed by all export Documentation.
8. Buyer makes payment by MT103 or TT wire transfer for the total product and lifts the product and seller pays all intermediary involve in the transaction.
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