2014-09-19 12:47
Местонахождение товара:
Казахстан, Акмолинская область
Описание товара:
Commodity: MAZUT M-100 GOST 10585-99 (SPECIFICATION as Annex A)
Country of Origin: Russian Export Grade Type II -VII Sulfur Content
Origin: Russian Federation
Contract Quantity: 50,000 MT min, 200,000 MT max
Price :
Payment Term: DLC
Delivery: CIF BAYUQUAN port (CHINA)
Performance Bond: 2% PB after DLC is issued
Inspections: SGS Vostok Ltd. For Q & Q
1. Buyer issues Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO) agreeing to these procedures, with full banking information along with Corporate Profile (CP).
2. Upon approval, Seller issues draft Sales Purchase Agreement (SPA).
3. Within 3 days of signature of the (SPA), Buyer will provide Seller acceptable proof confirming that Buyer has funds available and committed specifically for the specified contract, such as confirming that the Buyer is capable of issuing the required bank instrument with a face value equal to the first month’s shipment under the contract.
4. Within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s POF, Seller will issue Buyer an Internal Quality Certificate (Passport) on a sample of the product that will be produced by the refinery under the terms of the SPA between Buyer and Seller. In other words, Buyer will be provided a product Passport issued by an independent lab that does the refinery’s onsite quality control which will contain test results reflecting that the sample product meets legal and internal specification requirements as reflect in the form of the attached (Appendix A). This Passport will reflect the type and specifications of the product that will be produced by the refinery and delivered to the Buyer under the terms of the SPA between Buyer and Seller. The Passport will reflect both the name of the Lab and refinery producing the product for delivery to the buyer.
5. Within 3 to 5 days of receiving the Passport, Buyer’s bank (Top 50 World Bank ) will issue to the Seller’s Bank an Irrevocable Commercial Letter of Credit (LC/DLC) in the forma attached (Appendix ‘B’).
6. Upon receipt of an acceptable LC from the Buyer's prime World Bank to the Seller's bank, Seller shall provide to Buyer’s bank the product documents required under the LC. Thereafter, Seller shall also issue a Performance Bond valued at 2% (two percent) of the face value of the LC with the Buyer named as beneficiary.
7. First shipment shall commence and shall be completed within 30 days from receipt of the financial instrument from the Buyer’s bank to the Seller’s bank. The Seller shall submit full set of shipping documents for each shipload, to be submitted within two (2) business days from completion of loading.
8. Seller shall draw against the LC after shipment and in accordance with its terms (90-120 days date of Refinery’s CI). This procedure will be repeated for a total period of twelve (12) months.
Country of Origin: Russian Export Grade Type II -VII Sulfur Content
Origin: Russian Federation
Contract Quantity: 50,000 MT min, 200,000 MT max
Price :
Payment Term: DLC
Delivery: CIF BAYUQUAN port (CHINA)
Performance Bond: 2% PB after DLC is issued
Inspections: SGS Vostok Ltd. For Q & Q
1. Buyer issues Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO) agreeing to these procedures, with full banking information along with Corporate Profile (CP).
2. Upon approval, Seller issues draft Sales Purchase Agreement (SPA).
3. Within 3 days of signature of the (SPA), Buyer will provide Seller acceptable proof confirming that Buyer has funds available and committed specifically for the specified contract, such as confirming that the Buyer is capable of issuing the required bank instrument with a face value equal to the first month’s shipment under the contract.
4. Within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s POF, Seller will issue Buyer an Internal Quality Certificate (Passport) on a sample of the product that will be produced by the refinery under the terms of the SPA between Buyer and Seller. In other words, Buyer will be provided a product Passport issued by an independent lab that does the refinery’s onsite quality control which will contain test results reflecting that the sample product meets legal and internal specification requirements as reflect in the form of the attached (Appendix A). This Passport will reflect the type and specifications of the product that will be produced by the refinery and delivered to the Buyer under the terms of the SPA between Buyer and Seller. The Passport will reflect both the name of the Lab and refinery producing the product for delivery to the buyer.
5. Within 3 to 5 days of receiving the Passport, Buyer’s bank (Top 50 World Bank ) will issue to the Seller’s Bank an Irrevocable Commercial Letter of Credit (LC/DLC) in the forma attached (Appendix ‘B’).
6. Upon receipt of an acceptable LC from the Buyer's prime World Bank to the Seller's bank, Seller shall provide to Buyer’s bank the product documents required under the LC. Thereafter, Seller shall also issue a Performance Bond valued at 2% (two percent) of the face value of the LC with the Buyer named as beneficiary.
7. First shipment shall commence and shall be completed within 30 days from receipt of the financial instrument from the Buyer’s bank to the Seller’s bank. The Seller shall submit full set of shipping documents for each shipload, to be submitted within two (2) business days from completion of loading.
8. Seller shall draw against the LC after shipment and in accordance with its terms (90-120 days date of Refinery’s CI). This procedure will be repeated for a total period of twelve (12) months.
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